So I'm a total beach chick but I've had some crazy life sh!t and overall just want to live a more enlightened hippie lifestyle. I'm growing my hair out, I'm one of those everybody's making love cuz love is free types, I surf all the time and smoke weed for medicinal/meditational purposes. I don't eat meat or seafood or any animal and honor all walks of life, I even love the sharks. I've gotten into yoga and meditation just as sort of a mind clearing thing. I don't drink either because it basically eats your insides. I'm trying to look into more food health things I might even go vegan or organic but I need to look into things more. I also don't believe in government and think it harms people's spiritual nature and brings out greed in the worst of places. I'm in love with the ocean as it is my home and I feel of the sea wherever I go. I do believe in education but not in the format given to us by the government's system. I do highschool online and complete the requirements, and I'm intelligent I have straight A's, but I do so because it is a forced way of society. When I turn 18 I plan to move to Hawaii and attend a University there. I have a friend I can stay with who travels most of the year so I will have the place to myself a lot. It is also close to the ocean so I can surf as much as I will to. I would like to invest more in a sort of enlightened hippie lifestyle and I'm wondering what else I could do?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
https://www.hipforums.com/forum/ ... d-lifestyle.450747/
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